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Monday, April 22, 2013

A False Sense of Responsibility

I sometimes feel what I believe is “a false sense of responsibility.” I don’t know whether that problem arises from my possessing an over-active, self-imposed burden to influence people to trust in God or from my experiencing a natural control-freak problem.

I seem to need to figure out quite often whether a situation needs my influence or if that situation is a challenge only God can handle. Of course, there are probably things God needs me to help with and then leave the results to him. Is my need to take on too much responsibility an actual lack of trust in God?

A false sense of responsibility can spawn from a big ego. On the other hand, a “woe is me; I have no influence and am helpless” ego-response may be just as bad. And many of us may respond in both of those ways at different times. Some of us occasionally may lapse into I-don’t-care attitudes in order to feel released from responsibility.

It sort of worries me that I’m not trying very hard to figure out why I have a false sense of responsibility. But, if I’m not trying to determine if I have a problem with taking on responsibilities I shouldn’t concern myself with, then maybe I really don’t have a false sense of responsibility. Hm-m-m-m. I somehow feel responsible for determining whether or not I actually have a false sense of responsibility.

(Note: I’m not responsible for writing this.)

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