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Monday, August 9, 2021


 My wife, Barbara, and I watch Hoarders on TV. Her interest in the show caused me to joke that she may have hoarding tendencies. But she’s a collector, not a hoarder — at least for now! 

My late wife, Carol, who died in January 2019, grew up in Pennsylvania. Her father and mother divorced when she was two, and Carol lived with her mom who moved often and owned little. An elementary school teacher, Carol kept our house organized, but she collected things, especially items reminding her of her maternal grandparents. 

Our home was neat but filled with stuff and doodads. Carol’s bears went into a closed-off bedroom after our beagle began tearing out their eyes. I called Carol’s home office her hoarder’s room. It contained boxes of clippings, letters, books, etc. She sent letters she called “envelope hugs” and needed things to fill those, she said. I made a photo of her office and joked about sending it “Dr. Phil” to see if he’d feature her on his show.

Hoarding, a progressive disorder, involves difficulty in parting with possessions because of a perceived need to save them, sources say. It’s described as “excessive accumulation of items, regardless of actual value.”

Historically thought of as a variant of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), evidence suggests that hoarding might be more closely associated with symptoms of attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), sources say. Some people are naturally neat, but many with ADHD are messy most of the time.

Does hoarding disorder run in families? 

“Yes, hoarding disorder is more common among people who have a family member who has hoarding disorder,” according to the internet. “The cause of hoarding disorder remains unknown. Genetics is likely only one part of why hoarding disorder affects a particular individual; environment plays a role as well.”

Barbara helped get my Taylors house ready to sell. I gave away stuff in order to move to her house after we married. I took too many things with me, especially books and papers. 

Most of us aren’t material hoarders but are burdened with mental/spiritual baggage. I have a hoarding disorder of the heart and seem to need to constantly regroup, trying to get into a better place to “do the Lord’s will.” Things that may be unimportant, in eternity, are on my to-do list — often listed above spiritual matters.

Jesus said, “I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work” (John 9:4).

James wrote, “Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin” James 4:17).

Jim, a hoarder we watched on TV, said, “I intend to do it, therefore I have done it.”

Because Jim intended to get rid of items, he counted it as done. He played mind-games, but the garbage meant for disposal remained, and more stuff soon lay on top of that. In time, his house looked and smelled like a rat-infested garbage dump. We intend to do things, but often that’s as far as things go. 

We may have perfectionist attitudes about “the Lord’s work” so we put if off, hoping we can do it perfectly — someday. We want to get other tasks out of the way before we tackle God’s work. Fearing failure, we sometimes postpone holy opportunities. 

“Spiritual procrastination is a feeling of desperately wanting to do God’s instruction or assignment, but not getting started,” someone said.

Someone suggested this prayer for procrastinators: “Lord, I know that I can accomplish this task, but I know it will go so much better with you lifting me up and guiding me through it. I know I can do all things through you, so I come to you to help me through this desire to keep putting things off. I ask for strength and guidance."

Hoarding disorder is marked by three major characteristics: difficulty letting go of material possessions; excessive or compulsive acquisition of new items; and disorganization and an inability to prevent clutter.

Are we mental-and-spiritual hoarders? Do we need to get rid of some mind-and-heart clutter?      

Jesus said, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matthew 6:33).          

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